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Zoom Webinars

Web conferencing

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Zoom Webinars

An Event Services Zoom Webinar is hosted and managed by a professional Event Producer. Up to 5,000 attendees may join the webinar.

You may test your connectivity to the Zoom platform here:

Panelists and attendees may join by desktop – app (suggested for panelists) or browser – or mobile app.

Webinars may provide computer audio, call-in, and call-me telephone audio, and/or H.323 or SIP video connectivity.

What to Expect: Organizers

Organizers will initiate a request on this site. Immediately on submission, an email receipt is generated, containing the ticket number that will follow the webinar throughout its lifecycle.

Our scheduling staff will respond to the ticket within 48 hours with connection details and other necessary information, including an Event ID and a link to real-time registration reporting, if registration is requested.

Organizers should expect to be contacted by email at least 48 hours prior to the webinar by the assigned Event Producer. If the webinar will include polling, polling questions will be requested.

Following the webinar, attendance, Q&A, and/or polling reports, as applicable, will be delivered by email from the Event Producer. If requested, conference recording will be delivered for download via a file transfer application.

What to Expect: Panelists

Every webinar begins with a private 30-minute pre-conference for panelists to prepare for a successful webinar, have audio and video quality checked, organize and preview materials, review run-of-show, etc.

Panelists join using a singular, shared link and are presented with audio options after connecting to the webinar interface. A panelist may join the private pre-conference by telephone only using the two-part dial-in details provided in the Event Instructions.

To ensure the most complete feature set and best quality, we suggest panelists join from the desktop client; browser-based and mobile app connections are available.

Computer audio may be used, however, if a panelist’s local bandwidth is limited, telephone audio may ensure audio quality and consistency.

What to Expect: Attendees

Every webinar begins with a private 30-minute pre-conference for panelists. During this time, attendees will be held on the web page until the Host allows entrance.

Webinar attendees are provided a link to join the webinar at the scheduled start time.

Attendees may join by desktop using either app-based or browser-based access. Mobile device users must install the appropriate app.

Attendees may be presented with computer audio and telephone audio options after joining the webinar, depending on the configuration.

Webinar Reports

Within 24 hours, your webinar attendance, chat, Q&A, and/or polling reports will be delivered by email from your Event Producer.

Webinar Recording

Web conferences may be recorded, with content delivered as a file (.mp4 or .wmv), which may be accompanied by a written transcript or .srt (caption) file, or hosted for on-demand replay.

Accessibility Features

The Zoom platform provides several features to increase accessibility and comprehension for your attendees. The nature of your audience and the priorities of your organization will dictate which feature(s) best suit your webinar.

Automated Transcription: An AI-created, real-time transcript of your live webinar.

Captioning: Captions created by your professional captioner and presented within your webinar.

Interpretation: Multiple language channel technology built to enable your interpreter(s) to provide simultaneous interpretation for your webinar attendees.


In-webinar polling features are flexible and robust. Bring a basic question or two to your private pre-conference and your Event Producer will create them on-the-fly. If your requirements include many or more complex polls, we’ll ask you to provide them in advance so that your Event Producer can provide the additional service time to prepare them.

Q&A Feature

Zoom provides a “Q&A Feature,” which is enabled by default. If you wish to disable this feature, you may make that request either when scheduling or by emailing [email protected] before your webinar.

Our recommended use of this feature is as the exclusive written communication method for attendees. Through the Q&A, attendees may request technical assistance from the Event Producer and submit program-related questions.

During the pre-conference, your Event Producer will recommend configuration of the feature based on whether you intend to address questions verbally and/or in writing, and whether you wish questions to be anonymous, private, or public.

This approach simplifies the attendee experience while also reserving the Chat feature exclusively for panelist communication during the webinar.

Software Plugin

You may find the current software plugin for your device at