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Webex Webinars FAQ

Will I need new conferencing details for my upcoming events?

No. The instructions you received previously are still valid. Your entry links will open your event on Webinars.

Are there changes to how I can join an event?

Yes, the Temp app is no longer available. Webinars has a Browser app and a Client app.

The Browser app allows people to participate in events from a browser window. Users of the Browser app will have access to one panel at a time, may not use virtual backgrounds, and may not upload content. They will still be able to screen share.

The Client app must be downloaded and installed.  Event Services recommends that Panelists download and use the Client app for best results.

Can I join Webinars from a mobile device or iPad?

Mobile and iPad users will need a password to join Webinars. Your Event Producers can send you the password one hour prior to the start of the event.

What will be different for my panelists and speakers?

In addition to Host, Presenter, Panelist, and Attendee, the Cohost role is new in Webinars. At least one Panelists should be assigned the Cohost role if you will be using breakout sessions; the Host and Cohost can mute and unmute attendees. More than one Co-host may be assigned.

What will be different for my attendees?

Prior to the start of the conference, if Panelists are still in Practice Session and the conference has not started, Attendees will see a page that says “The webinar will start soon. Thanks for waiting.” Phone-only attendees will hear hold music; VOC users will hear silence.

During the conference, Attendees will only be able to see the total number of attendees on the call. They will not be able to see the names of other attendees, unless an attendee has been unmuted by the Host to speak.

Are breakout sessions available?

Yes, breakout sessions in  Webex Webinars is a new feature. Webinars offers a controlled environment, which requires at least one Panelist per room to present or lead discussions. Attendees must select their own breakout rooms.

What captioning options does Webinars have?

AI Captioning is now available. You can still provide your own captioner. Auto captioning will be enabled for all participants for every event. Participants who want to see captions may turn them on. Captions do not appear in recordings.

What are the video enhancements in Webinars?

Webinars can accommodate up to 3,000 participants, all of whom will be able to see shared content and HD video. Previously on Webex Classic Events, only the first 1,000 participants could see video.

What’s new with recordings?

In Webinars, recording formats now match the stage views. This means that the view you select during your live event will be captured in your recording file. No additional editing is necessary.

What integrations are available with Webinars?

Webinars integrations include Slido and Timer. Slido has a variety of polling types, including multiple choice, word cloud, ratings and rankings. Timer provides a visual tool to help keep your meeting on track and manage timed sessions.